Hanui Ye, Payments & Order Management Director , Boozt

Service is perfect I am have only good experience with boozt

An old factory building in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, is the home of Boozt Innovation Lab. Here, our focus is on investing further in innovative technologies, processes and mobile focus. Through progressive thinking, we experiment with different technologies to improve the customer experience on our website and app.

The Boozt Group’s presence is growing within the Nordic fashion and lifestyle e-commerce market and we recognise Nordic region’s attractive market opportunity. Therefore, we continue to evolve our potential. By setting higher standards and developing the correct strategies, we can measure our successes and address our pitfalls.

Boozt Group has a strong and well-established tradition of always striving to be a fair and responsible business. By making responsible choices in all areas of our business, we can reduce the direct footprint of our local operations, while also engaging our partners in the journey to becoming a more sustainable fashion industry.

Boozt alennuskoodit ja tarjoukset: 10€ / 50% alennus

Boozt Fulfilment Centre is our fully automated and environmentally optimized warehouse, located in Ängelholm, Sweden. Here we handle both packaging and returns with the help of the world's largest AutoStore installation, as well as taking product images for our websites in our in-house photo studio.

At the edge of downtown Aarhus, Denmark, you will find Boozt Technology A/S with our talented data science team. Along with being specialists in machine learning technology, we are also specialised in data science and the development of the webshops and Boozt Media Partnership.

Boozt on luotettava nettkauppa ja lähettää tilauksia Ruotsista (EU), joten tulli- tai lisämaksuja ei tule. Palautuksen postikulut pitää maksaa itse. Muista säilytää postin kuitti palautuksen lähettämisestä. Se toimii tositteena palautuksen lähettämisestä.

Täältä löytyy lisää vinkkejä johon kannattaa tutustua ennen kuin tilaa vaatteita netistä:

Boozt AB on julkaissut vuosikertomuksen vuodelta 2022 (Tammikuu 1, 2022 – Joulukuu 31, 2022) sisältäen yhtiön tilinpäätöksen, hallinnointi- sekä vastuullisuusraportin.

Hanui Ye, Payments & Order Management Director , Boozt

The selection and the criteria it is based on represents Boozt's effort to drive responsible production on both environmental and social aspects, and to be more transparent and to educate the customers.

How Booztlet Drives Growth for Boozt Using Sleeknote

You can find our offices located in Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, and Poland where we work together to make Boozt the leading and most responsible e-commerce company in the Nordics.

Miten Boozt takaa, että tuotearvostelut ovat aitoja

Malmö, Hyllie, 20.6.2023: Pohjoismaiden johtava muodin ja vapaa-ajan verkkotavaratalo Boozt lanseeraa Club Boozt -asiakasklubin. Booztin tavoitteena on vahvistaa Club Booztin avulla asiakassuhteita palkitsemalla uskollisia asiakkaita ja asettaa samalla uusi standardi asiakasklubeille. Sisäisesti kehitetty ainutlaatuinen Club Boozt tarjoaa erinomaisen asiakaskokemuksen ohella täysin uudentasoista personointia sekä yksilöllisiä tarjouksia ja alennuksia. Club Boozt on osoitus Booztin sitoumuksesta luoda poikkeuksellista asiakasarvoa. Booztilla on kolme miljoonaa aktiivista asiakasta, joten yritys ymmärtää läheisten asiakassuhteiden vaalimisen ja yksilöllisten asiakastarjousten tärkeyden. Club Booztin jäsenet saavat runsaasti etuja, kuten yksilöllisiä ostokokemuksia, ennakkopääsyn alennusmyynteihin, alennuksia suosikkimerkeistä, priorisoidun tilausten pakkaamisen, VIP-asiakaspalvelua sekä yksilöllisiin mieltymyksiin ja omaan tyyliin perustuvia suosituksia. Peter G. Jørgensen, kaupallinen j

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Shopping with Boozt should be easy. We want to offer our customers a seamless user experience across platforms and consistently high standards when shopping on both mobile and desktop. We are continuously developing the shopping experiences for our customers through innovation and new technology.

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We had the pleasure of being the Game Host for yesterday's exciting match between and Timrå at Catena Arena. It was a great evening that allowed us to connect and enjoy the game alongside key business partners, amazing colleagues, and friends from our Fulfilment Centre in Ängelholm. 💚🏒Thank you to everyone who joined us for cool night of hockey, great conversations, and a fantastic opportunity to connect with fans and showcase the Boozt brand! 🙌

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Booztin verkkokaupan laajasta valikoimasta löydät taatusti etsimäsi tuotemerkit ja tyylikkäät vaatteet arkeen ja hieman juhlallisempiinkin tilaisuuksiin. Ota talteen Boozt alennuskoodi näiltä sivuilta, ja kurkkaa, mitä kaikkea Booztin valikoimista löytyy!

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We strive for Boozt to be THE destination for Nordic fashion followers. We offer a curated selection of Scandinavian and international, contemporary and premium fashion and lifestyle brands for men, women, and children. With over 1600 mid-to premium brands our customers can browse from our complementary assortment of fashion categories including clothing, shoes, accessories, sportswear, beauty products, and home.

Denne artikel er sponsoreret Boozt

I was waiting longer than usually for my order but when I write to boozt they take care of my order to found it so acually im rally happy that it finally come men with one was charimg wirh me from your company was really nice and helpful. I know its a lot to do before Christmas so I dont have any negative things to say. Products are really good guality i love it😊