Evolution of the 5 Koi™ brand with the modern 5 Dragons™ Gold feel.

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Golden koi-classic game, coming from the developer Fun entertainments, is running on Android systerm in the past.

Koi Casino online casino has a great selection of roulette games if you’re a fan of spinning the wheel. You can choose variants such as Auto Roulette, Mega Roulette, Mega Wheel, Roulette Azure and a whole lot of other options to satisfy your spinning needs.

The Golden Koi symbol is wild and multiplies the winning line by 5.

Evolution of the 5 Koi™ brand with the modern 5 Dragons™ Gold math model. Featuring high resolution and lively Koi graphics to bring a better visual experience, extended Reel positions in the Free Games Feature as pioneered in 5 Dragons™ Gold, this game seeks to deliver the best of breed maths package with top-class design.

Embark on a journey upstream with the Asian-inspired 9 Princes of the Dragon King™ Koi™. Packed with your choice of volatility and Free Games plus Wilds, it's the game with a dynamic and entertaining top screen that showcases your hunt for the mythical golden Koi! Keep an eye out for the Ingot feature, which offers Super Free Games and multipliers for an even more exciting experience.

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Golden Koi is a 3 symbol instant win pull tab game with 4 tabs per game. Each tab is independent of each other and all prizes can be won per tab.

You have to use Fake Fly Bait to catch the Golden Koi, because it .

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