What features are available in the slot Guns N’ Roses?
An official licensed Guns N' Roses Unisex Ringer T-Shirt featuring the 'Classic Logo' design motif. This high quality Ringer T-Shirt is available in a red colourway. High quality soft-style cotton unisex ringer t-shirt featuring contrasting sleeve and collar detail. With front printing.
Tämä peliautomaatti sopii erityisesti rock-musiikin ystäville ja Guns N’ Rosesin faneille, mutta se tarjoaa viihdyttävän ja jännittävän pelikokemuksen myös yleisille kasinopelaajille. Pelin teema ja musiikki luovat erityisen tunnelman.
Guns N’ Roses -peliautomaatti on yhteensopiva myös mobiililaitteiden kanssa. Pelin laatu pysyy korkeana niin tietokoneella kuin mobiililaitteilla pelattaessa, mahdollistaen pelikokemuksen missä tahansa.
If you like the Guns N’ Roses slot, check out the following slots:
Guns N Roses video slot features a selection of highly recognisable symbols starting with rose-decorated playing card symbols going from 10 to A. As a branded and fully licensed online slot, Guns N Roses comes with Axl and Slash standing in the limelight.
I really like Guns N’ Roses by Net Entertainment, and am very excited for its impending release. Seeing as this is a , it’s very likely that this game will work on most mobile devices, which means that there’s a very good chance that this will become your favorite if you happen to own a BlackBerry device. I feel this slot is well presented and has a nice amount of features for punters to take advantage of, and should be great. Fans of great rock bands and bonus features should definitely give this game a go.
Official licensed Guns N' Roses Unisex Sweatshirt featuring the 'Guns & Vine' design motif. High quality black Unisex Sweatshirt featuring front printing with bright and luminous inks.
Guns N’ Roses is a 5 reel, 25 pay line video slot that includes several bonus features which are triggered by the flashy scatter symbols. I feel that these bonuses add a lot to the game, and give it the perfect balance.
You can play Guns N' Roses for free with no sign-up required at .
Guns N’ Roses on tõeline pärl slotimasinate maailmas lisaks silma paitavatele graafilistele lahendustele ja suurepärasele muusikavalikule, on selles keskmise varieeruvusega mängus peidus suured võidud ja hunnik boonuslahendusi, mis käivituvad igal sammul. Erinevad asendussümbolite kombinatsioonid teevad mängimise eriti lõbusaks. Kui sulle meeldivad muusikast inspireeritud mänguautomaadid, proovi ka üllitisi, nimega KISS Shout It Out Loud ning Elvis the King Lives.
Maar: er zijn ook online Guns N’ RosesGuns N’ Roses
Guns N' Roses online slot is a 5 reel rock 'n' roll game by software giant NetEnt. Featuring bright, 3D graphics and three exceptional bonus features, this slot is a must for rock fans. You could even end up in Paradise City.
Guns N Roses slottiuutuus NetEntiltä
In terms of looks, Guns N’ Roses is a nice game that feels very appropriate in terms of trying to bring rock music right to your fingertips. I love the character symbols, as well as the poker symbols because they remind me of . This casino game also has wonderful sound effects. I like the way that Net Entertainment’s production team developed this game, and I think it is one of their best looking online titles. Animations are nice as well, with the game moving as smooth and rocking hard. I was very impressed with the entire presentation of Guns N’ Roses, and I think you will enjoy it as well.
Pelaa rock-henkistä Guns N Roses -slottia Ninja Casinolla
As one of the most iconic rock bands of all time, Guns N Roses needs little introduction. This high-octane music group has been the inspiration for its gaming industry peer – NetEnt – which paid a fantastic homage to Axl Rose and his comrades with a 5 reel and 20 payline game.
Pelaa Guns N Roses -kolikkopeliä ilmaiseksi Ninja Casinolla
Guns N’ Roses -peliautomaatti sisältää useita ainutlaatuisia bonusominaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi ‘Legend Spins’ antaa pelaajalle ilmaiskierroksia, ja ‘Solo Multiplier’ voi moninkertaistaa voitot. Lisäksi pelissä on ‘Appetite for Destruction Wild’ -ominaisuus, joka tuo suurempia voittoja.
Pelaa Guns N Roses -slottia Boost Casinolla ja nauti!
Inspired by a famous rock band, , the music themed slot looks like a lot of fun, as I greatly appreciate the innovative graphics and sounds. Guns N’ Roses was created by Net Entertainment and offers a host of impressive characters such as and , and is due for release in the near future. I have had time to preview the game, and the following review is my general quick impressions. Rock bands make for good slot themes as some musicians are timeless and appeal to many generations.
Guns N Roses on tribuutti historiamme kovimmalle rock-bändille
Official licensed Guns N' Roses Unisex Sweatshirt featuring the 'Pink Bullet' design motif. High quality black Unisex Sweatshirt featuring front printing with bright and luminous inks.
Guns N Roses ( Palautusprosentti 96.98 % | NetEnt) peliesittely
Guns N’ Roses – peli on esillä vahvasti nettikasinoilla ja monilla kasinoilla on kampanjoita, joilla pääsee mukavasti peliin mukaan. Esimerkiksi iGame tarjoaa 101 bonuskierrosta pelissä uudelle kirjautujalle. Koska Guns N’ Roses – peli on NetEntin uutuusjulkaisu, se löytyy kaikilta itseään kunnioittavilta nettikasinoilta.