Here are my tips on how to visit Monte Carlo Casino.
Monte Carlo Casino, eli viralliselta nimeltään Casino de Monte-Carlo, on yksi Euroopan tunnetuimmista kasinoista. Pienessä Monacon ruhtinaskunnassa sijaitsevan kasinon omistusportaassa ovat mukana sekä Monacon hallitus että ruhtinaskuntaa hallitsevan perheen jäsenet. Société des bains de mer de Monaco -niminen yritys on muutenkin aktiivinen Monacossa, sillä se omistaa suurimman osan maan hotelleista ja muista palvelualan yrityksistä, kuten yökerhoista.
Monte Carlon Casinon esi-isä oli alunperin vuonna 1856 perustettu Villa Bellevu -kasino, joka oli osa tulevan Monacon Prinssi Charlesin suunnitelmaa parantaa ruhtinaskunnan taloudellista tilannetta. Alkuperäinen idea juuri kasinon perustamisesta oli kuitenkin lähtöisin Prinsessa Carolinen päänupista.
Jo kasinoa perustettaessa oli selvää, että sen sijaintia tultaisiin lähiaikoina muuttamaan. Näin tapahtuikin, mutta kului vielä monta vuotta, ennen kuin Monte Carlon Casino alkoi muistuttaa sitä kuvaa, joka Prinsessa Carolinen mielessä oli. Vasta vuonna 1863 perustettu Societe des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Etrangers alkoi Francois Blancin johdolla kasvattaa kasinoa systemaattisesti kohti nykyistä loistoaan.
Nykyään Formuloiden lisäksi Monte Carlossa voi nähdä myös .
Monte Carlon legendaarinen kasino on kokenut monia muutoksia vuosien varrella, mutta siitä huokuu edelleen historian lehtien havina. Kasinon sisustus on koreaa. Kullalla reunustetut seinät kaiverruksineen ja klassisine maalauksineen luovat mielenkiintoisen kontrastin kasinoalueen moderneille peliautomaateille ja pelipöydille. Kesäaikaan kasinolla voi pelata tosin myös ulkotiloissa, sillä Salle Blance & Terrasse tarjoaa pelipöytiä ulkona viihtyville kasinopelureille. Tältä alueeltakaan ei silmänruokaa puutu: terassin upea näköala ulottuu yli koko Rivieran.
For over a century, the Casinos of Monte Carlo have been drawing tourists from around the world to the small principality of Monaco, a sovereign city-state on the French Riviera. it is the second smallest and most densely-populated country in the world.
The idea of opening a casino in Monaco originated with , the shrewd, business-minded spouse of . Revenues from the proposed venture were supposed to save the from . The ruling family's persistent financial problems became especially acute after the loss of tax revenue from two breakaway towns, and , which declared independence from Monaco in 1848 and refused to pay taxes on olive oil and fruit imposed by the Grimaldis.[]
The Monte Carlo Casino, officially known as Casino de Monte-Carlo, is an iconic symbol of luxury and elegance located in Monaco. Established in 1863 by Prince Charles III, the casino was conceptualized to revitalize Monacoâs economy and attract Europeâs elite. Designed by Charles Garnier, the architect behind the Paris Opera House, the casino is a masterpiece of Belle Ãpoque architecture, featuring grand façades and opulent interiors. Over the years, it has become synonymous with wealth and sophistication, drawing nobility, celebrities, and wealthy gamblers from around the world (). Beyond its role as a premier gambling destination, the Monte Carlo Casino has made significant cultural contributions, hosting numerous high-profile events and appearing in iconic films such as the James Bond series. Its success has not only bolstered Monacoâs economy but also enriched its cultural landscape, making it a must-visit for anyone seeking a taste of luxury and history ().
At one point, the casino generated over 90% of Monaco’s revenue!
Katselen ympärilleni Monte Carlon kasinolla: puitteet ovat hulppeat, ihmiset kauniita ja rikkaita. Ainoana viihteenä kasinolla on pelaaminen tai pelaamisen seuraaminen. Edes musiikki ei soi koristeellisin tapetein ja kristallikruunuin sisustetuissa saleissa. Itse huvittelen tarkkailemalla pelien ympärillä pyörivää ihmissuhdekarusellia.
Place du CasinoMC 98000 Monaco+377 98 06 60 00
The citizens of Monaco are forbidden to enter the gaming rooms of the casino. The rule banning all from gambling or working at the casino was an initiative of , the regent of Monaco, who amended the rules on moral grounds. The idea that the casino was intended only for was even emphasized in the name of the company that was formed to operate the gambling business, the (English: ).
The Casino of Monte Carlo is beautiful and old with history
Jos suunnittelet Monte Carloon matkaamista, ei Casino de Monte-Carloa kannata jättää kokematta. Kasino on auki joka päivä klo 14.00 alkaen ja sulkee ovensa yömyöhään riippuen siitä, miten paljon pelaajia riittää. Pukukoodi on suhteellisen salliva. Kasinolle ei voi toki marssia shortseissa ja sandaaleissa tai muussa urheiluvarustuksessa, mutta muuten normaalit siistit vaatteet riittävät. Klo 20.00 jälkeen kasino kuitenkin suosittelee pelaajia vetämään niskaansa takin.
Perjantai-ilta Monte Carlon kasinolla
In the heart of the Monte-Carlo district is a Casino known throughout the world. Built in 1865, the Monte-Carlo Casino is the symbol of Monaco’s extravagance. Designed by the French architect Gobineau de la Bretonnerie, the Casino takes you back to the Belle Epoque, even if just for an elegant evening of gambling.
THE BEST Monte-Carlo Casinos Youll Want to Visit (Updated 2024)
Located in one of the most luxurious and prestigious resorts in the world, the casinos ooze audacity and tradition – indeed the Casino de Monte Carlo featured prominently in two of the best known Bond films – Never Say Never Again and Golden Eye, though the original “casino royale” was in fact based on a casino in the little town of Le Touquet, northern France.
Casino de Monte-Carlo (@casinosmontecarlo)
The Monte Carlo Casino, officially known as Casino de Monte-Carlo, was established in 1863 by Prince Charles III of Monaco. The primary aim was to bolster the economy of the tiny principality and attract Europeâs elite. The casino was designed by the renowned architect Charles Garnier, who also designed the Paris Opera House (). Initially, the casino faced challenges due to poor accessibility, leading to its closure within a year. However, the project was resurrected, and in 1863, François Blanc, a French businessman, was hired to take over the casino business ().
Arvostelussa Monte Carlo casino
The city of Monte Carlo offers five casinos for tourists with different games and looks, and it is true that not many casinos around the world can boast the beautiful décor that the Monte Carlo casino has to offer. Despite the historic feel to the casino the games on offer are still up to date and attract people from across the world to come and play.
Step inside the world-famous Casino de Monte-Carlo
This businessman from Provence was commissioned by Prince Charles III of Monaco to make the Principality more attractive to tourists and wealthy foreigners alike. Hotels (including the famous Hotel de Paris), as well as villas and gardens (such as the Place du Casino) have been built around the Monte-Carlo Casino.