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Dupa cum am spus, sunt oferte exclusive pe care nu le primesti daca iti faci cont direct la cazinoul respectiv.Apoi asigura-te ca ai realizat verificarea identitatii (trebuie sa astepti sa iti fie confirmata de catre cazino).In functie de cazino, dupa verificarea identitatii iti pot fi creditate rotirile instant sau poti astepta pana la 24-48 de ore in functie de volumul cererilor.Daca au trecut 24-48 de ore si nu ti-au fost acordate rotirile gratuite, atunci poti luat legatura cu suportul cazinoului respectiv pe Live Chat si sa lamuresti situatia.Cele mai multe cazinouri online din Romania nu impun un castig maxim de pe urma rotirilor fara depunere.
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In 1982, , Liberace's 22-year-old former chauffeur and alleged live-in lover of five years, sued the pianist for $113 million in after he was dismissed by Liberace. Liberace continued to deny that he was homosexual, and during court depositions in 1984, he insisted that Thorson was never his lover. The case was settled out of court in 1986, and Thorson received a $95,000 cash settlement plus three cars and three pet dogs worth another $20,000. Thorson stated after Liberace's death that he settled because he knew that Liberace was dying and that he had intended to sue based on rather than . He later attested that Liberace was a "boring guy" in his private life and mostly preferred to spend his free time cooking, decorating, and playing with his dogs and that he never played the piano outside of his public performances. Thorson said "He (Liberace) had several decorated, ornamental pianos in the various rooms of his house, but he never played them."
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The experience left Liberace so shaken that he largely abandoned his movie aspirations. He made two more big-screen appearances, but only in cameo roles. These were (1965), starring , where Liberace essentially played himself. He received kudos for his brief appearance as a casket salesman in (1965), based on 's satire of the funeral business and movie industry in Southern California.
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