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The ninja Hachisuka Tenzō was sent by Nobunaga to assassinate the powerful , but ultimately failed in his attempts. Hiding in the shadow of a tree, he avoided being seen under the moonlight, and later concealed himself in a hole he had prepared beforehand, thus escaping capture.

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The warlord 's notorious reputation led to several attempts on his life. In 1571, a Kōga ninja and by the name of Sugitani Zenjubō was hired to assassinate Nobunaga. Using two , he fired two consecutive shots at Nobunaga, but was unable to inflict mortal injury through Nobunaga's armor. Sugitani managed to escape, but was caught four years later and put to death by torture. In 1573, Manabe Rokurō, a vassal of , attempted to infiltrate and assassinate the sleeping Nobunaga. However, this also ended in failure, and Manabe was forced to commit suicide, after which his body was openly displayed in public. According to a document, the , when Nobunaga was inspecting Iga province—which his army had devastated—a group of three ninja shot at him with large-caliber firearms. The shots flew wide of Nobunaga, however, and instead killed seven of his surrounding companions.

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Hopea lohikäärme - Aikuisen ninjan naamiaisasu

The best-known cases of assassination attempts involve famous historical figures. Deaths of famous persons have sometimes been attributed to assassination by ninja, but the secretive natures of these scenarios have made them difficult to prove. Assassins were often identified as ninja later on, but there is no evidence to prove whether some were specially trained for the task or simply a hired thug.

Kiitos mahtavasta viiden tähden arvostelustasi! On hienoa kuulla, että tilausprosessimme oli sinulle helppo ja että lähetys saapui perille ripeästi. Pyrimme tekemään ostokokemuksesta mahdollisimman sujuvan, ja tällaisten palautteiden avulla tiedämme olevamme oikealla tiellä. Jos sinulla on jatkossa kysyttävää tai tarvitset apua, olemme täällä valmiina auttamaan. Toivottavasti näemme sinut verkkokaupassamme taas pian!

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In 1558, employed a team of ninja to set fire to . A captain led a force of 48 ninja into the castle by means of deception. In a technique dubbed ("ghost technique"), his men stole a lantern bearing the enemy's family crest (), and proceeded to make replicas with the same . By wielding these lanterns, they were allowed to enter the castle without a fight. Once inside, the ninja set fire to the castle, and Yoshitaka's army would later emerge victorious. The mercenary nature of the is demonstrated in another arson attack soon after the burning of Sawayama Castle. In 1561, commanders acting under hired three Iga ninja of rank to assist the conquest of a fortress in . Rokkaku Yoshitaka, the same man who had hired Iga ninja just years earlier, was the fortress holder—and target of attack. The writes of their plans: "We employed of Iga... They were contracted to set fire to the castle". However, the mercenary were unwilling to take commands. When the fire attack did not begin as scheduled, the Iga men told the commanders, who were not from the region, that they could not possibly understand the tactics of the . They then threatened to abandon the operation if they were not allowed to act on their own strategy. The fire was eventually set, allowing Nagamasa's army to capture the fortress in a chaotic rush.

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An assassination attempt on was also thwarted. A ninja named (possibly Kirigakure Shikaemon) thrust a spear through the floorboards to kill Hideyoshi, but was unsuccessful. He was "smoked out" of his hiding place by another ninja working for Hideyoshi, who apparently used a sort of primitive "". Unfortunately, the veracity of this account has been clouded by later fictional publications depicting Saizō as one of the legendary .

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Kiitos mahtavasta viiden tähden arvostelustasi! On ilo kuulla, että toimitus sujui nopeasti ja että pidit ohjeistuksistamme, kuten sormuksen koon määrittämiseen liittyvistä vinkeistä. Panostamme selkeään ja hyödylliseen sivustosisältöön, jotta ostokokemus olisi mahdollisimman helppo ja vaivaton. Jos tarvitset jatkossa apua tai lisäneuvoja, olemme täällä sinua varten. Toivottavasti asioit kanssamme taas pian!

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This morning, the sixth day of the 11th month of 10 [1541], the Iga-entered Kasagi castle in secret and set fire to a few of the priests' quarters. They also set fire to outbuildings in various places inside the . They captured the (inner ) and the (second bailey).

Mieti, kuinka ninja liikkuu ja toimii eläytyäksesi täysillä rooliisi.

Arson was the primary form of sabotage practiced by the ninja, who targeted castles and camps.

Ninja / No8nik OyY-2957453-4Eteläkatu 1413100 Hämeenlinna

, the famous of , was rumored to have been killed by a ninja. The legend credits his death to an assassin who is said to have hidden in Kenshin's lavatory, and fatally injured Kenshin by thrusting a blade or spear into his . While historical records showed that Kenshin suffered abdominal problems, modern historians have generally attributed his death to , , or .