Kysyjä tarkoittanee vuosina 1984-1986 tehtyä Riptide-sarjaa

Maailmalla ilmiö tunnetaan nimellä "Rip Current", joka vapaalla suomennoksella tarkoittaa repivää virtaa. Esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloissa rip tappaa vuosittain lähes viisikymmentä ihmistä.

Rip currents can form by the coasts of oceans, seas, and large lakes, whenever there are waves of sufficient energy. Rip currents often occur on a gradually shelving shore, where breaking waves approach the shore parallel to it, or where underwater topography encourages outflow at one specific area. are one of the patterns identified to be producing rip currents. The location of rip currents can be difficult to predict. Some tend to recur always in the same places, but others can appear and disappear suddenly at various locations along the beach. The appearance and disappearance of rip currents is dependent upon the bottom topography and the direction from which the surf and swells are coming.

Rip currents occur wherever there is strong longshore variability in wave breaking. This variability may be caused by such features as sandbars, by and , and even by crossing . They are often located in places where there is a gap in a , or low area on a . Rip currents, once they have formed, may deepen the channel through a sandbar.

Ristiaallokko ; Pelkäsin hammaslääkäreitä ja pimeää

Rip currents are usually quite narrow, but they tend to be more common, wider, and faster, when and where breaking waves are large and powerful. Local underwater makes some beaches more likely to have rip currents. A few beaches are notorious in this respect.

Water that has been pushed up near the beach flows along the shore towards the outgoing rip as "feeder currents". The excess water flows out at a right angle to the beach, in a tight current called the "neck" of the rip. The "neck" is where the flow is most rapid. When the water in the rip current reaches outside of the lines of breaking waves, the flow disperses sideways, loses power, and dissipates in what is known as the "head" of the rip.

Although is a misnomer, in areas of significant tidal range, rip currents may only occur at certain stages of the tide, when the water is shallow enough to cause the waves to break over a sand bar, but deep enough for the broken wave to flow over the bar. In parts of the world with a big difference between high tide and low tide, and where the shoreline shelves gently, the distance between a and the shoreline may vary from a few meters to a kilometer or more, depending whether it is high tide or low tide.

A fairly common misconception is that rip currents can pull a swimmer down, under the surface of the water. This is not true, and in reality a rip current is strongest close to the surface, as the flow near the bottom is slowed by friction.

Ilmainen Sanakirja (englanti-suomi)

A rip current forms because and breaking waves push surface water towards the land. This causes a slight rise in the water level along the shore. This excess water will tend to flow back to the open water via the route of least resistance. When there is a local area which is slightly deeper, such as a break in an offshore sand bar or reef, this can allow water to flow offshore more easily, and this will initiate a rip current through that gap.

Käännös riptide – Sanakirja suomi-Englanti

A more detailed and technical description of rip currents requires understanding the concept of . Radiation stress is the force (or momentum flux) that is exerted on the water column by the presence of the wave. When a wave reaches shallow water and , it increases in height prior to breaking. During this increase in height, radiation stress increases, because of the force exerted by the weight of the water that has been pushed upwards.

Pelkäsin nättejä tyttöjä ja keskustelujen aloittamista

In the formation of a rip current, a wave propagates over a sandbar with a gap in it. When this happens, most of the wave breaks on the sandbar, leading to "setup". The part of the wave that propagates over the gap does not break, and the "setdown" continues in that part. Because of this phenomenon, the mean water surface over the rest of the sandbar is higher than that which is over the gap. The result is a strong flow outward through the gap. This strong flow is the rip current.

pieraista; halkaista; repiä; revetä ..

The vorticity and inertia of rip currents have been studied. From a model of the vorticity of a rip current done at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, it was found that as a fast rip current extends away from shallow water, the vorticity of the current increases, and the width of the current decreases. This model acknowledges that friction plays a role and waves are irregular in nature. From data from Sector-Scanning Doppler Sonar at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, it was found that rip currents in La Jolla, California, lasted several minutes, that they reoccurred one to four times per hour, and that they created a wedge with a 45° arch and a radius of 200–400 meters.

riptide; rive; roue; snag · split

A rip current is not the same thing as , although some people use that term incorrectly when they are talking about a rip current. Contrary to popular belief, neither rip nor undertow can pull a person down and hold them under the water. A rip simply carries floating objects, including people, out to just beyond the zone of the breaking waves, at which point the current dissipates and releases everything it is carrying.

MINN KOTA Riptide Ulterra Uistelumoottorin käyttöopas

Rip currents have a characteristic appearance, and, with some experience, they can be visually identified from the shore before entering the water. This is helpful to lifeguards, swimmers, surfers, boaters, divers and other water users, who may need to avoid a rip, or in some cases make use of the flow.

Tutustu Riptide Ulterra -uistelumoottorin käyttöön helposti

Rip currents often look somewhat like a road or river running straight out to sea. They are easiest to notice and identify when the zone of breaking waves is viewed from a high vantage point. The following are some visual characteristics that can be used to identify a rip: