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Hi Grant Jason webber,
We are sorry to hear that you are having difficulties with our casino. Kindly note that we have escalated your case to the relevant department.
Please bear with us while we investigate the matter. Once an update is provided we will contact you accordingly.
Spinit Casino Team
Update - 15/02/2022
Hi Grant Jason webber,
Kindly note we sent you an e-mail earlier today regarding your Account & Withdrawal Status. Kindly note that deposits have been manually processed, kindly wait 3-5 working days in order for the balance to reflect into your account accordingly.
Should you have any other queries do not hesitate to contact us, we are more than happy to help.
Spinit Casino Team
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Nettikasinoiden houkuttelevat pelaajia, joten seuraavaksi otamme katsauksen sivuston tarjousvalikoimaan. White Hat Gaming Limited on yleensä todella avokätinen bonusten suhteen, mutta miten on asian laita tällä sivustolla? No, eipä tässä voi kuin hykerrellä tyytyväisenä, sillä Spin Station Kasino on ottanut uudet pelaajansa upeasti huomioon!
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Hi margaret,
Thank you for contacting us, and we are sorry to hear that you have not been lucky with our casino.
Understanding your frustration, please let us point out that we are a regulated casino, and we act accordingly to the regulator guidelines in the clearest way possible. Said that, please note that if you play with slots, you should know that every game round is unique and cannot be based on the previous one. This means that slots do not know if you won or lost in the previous game/spins. Every round is unique and is generated by the RNG (Random Number Generator).
We wish you the best of luck for your future with our casino, and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be more than happy to assist.
Spinit Team
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Uusille tallettajille Taikaspins Casino tarjoaa jopa tuhat ilmaiskierrosta jaettuna kolmelle talletukselle. Kasinopelien lisäksi kasinolta löytyy erillinen vedonlyöntipuoli. Lue kokemuksia alta!
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